Saturday 2 August 2014

Pre-Juice Clease

Thy After many months of consideration, I've finally decided to embark on a juice clease.  Have gone through many reviews and somehow, have been quite excited to try out SANA Juice Clease.  The write-up in Sunday Times last week also gave me another nudge and finally one morning, I logged on to Sana Juice and purchased the three day juice-clease.  Within the same day upon the purchase, I also received email tips on how to prepare for cleanse and what to do during clease.
I was excited mentally but there was still small tinge of uncertainty.  First, I had to break the news to my lunch partners as I will be going without the sinful food during lunch, then I began to share with whoever I thought would be keen to join me on the programme.  Some of my colleagues didn't think it was a good idea, nor was it quite possible to get into a juice fast programme.  

I also shared the new challenge with my mom to get her support and so that she would stop tempting me with her dishes for three days between 6 and 8 August.  Then I had to also get her to help receive the juices which will arrive on 5 August.  

Today is four days before juice cleanse day.  I was supposed to start adjusting my diet but I could not break away from my caffeine shot and white bread indulgence.  Also, I just attended a 8-course dinner served with meats. Hoping that I will do better tomorrow.

Three days before the cleanse, I started cutting down on my coffee-shots.  I was more conscious with what I ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Totally cut out fried stuff and sugars and had more servings of vegetables. Also picked up more vegetables to last me for the next two days before the actual cleanse  starts.  Running low on lemons supply at home, will need to pick up from the supermarket again.

Two days before clease, decided to go for yong tau foo lunch, even my regular lunch partners who knew about my plan were surprised by the choices I made..carrots, pumpkins, Chinese cabbage, Ti Wang Miao, and two beancurd pieces.  The only thing I could not resist was the yong tau foo sauce.
For dinner, I decided to go for Japanese Sweet Potatoes, Chinese cabbage and avocado juice, then I realize I just had avocado juice during lunch today.

Then the hubby had to tempt me with this and I hung on to my willpower.
The day before the juice cleanse, I had a crash, partly due to withdrawal symptoms from no coffee. Still I kept to light meals and hung on.........ready for a cleansing start!

Friday 13 September 2013

Spa Time

Decided to leave work early to try out the Signature Spa at ESPA.  It was one of the most enjoyable and relaxing spas I had in a tranquil Sentosa.  The session was over in 60minutes and the best part, there was no pressure to sign on any package.  Will be going there again soon to try out the turkush bath spa.

Friday 9 August 2013

Goodness of raw vegetable juicing

I drink this daily every morning, a combination of vegetables and fruit juice- apples, celery, carrots, beetroot, bell peppers, wheatgrass, parsely and japanese cucumber

Friday 15 February 2013

Roller Coaster Ride

The past two days seemed to have put me on a roller  coaster ride emo-wise....there was just so much to deal with...including stubborness of a loved-one, stubborness of a domestic help, frustrations, managing expectations at home and with work and some selfish people around me...but i keep reminding myself to count my blessings and i did....because when u start doing so, nothing else really matter....try it!

Monday 11 February 2013

Happy Lab Movie Munch

Most who know me well will know that I simply love chocolates, especially dark chocolates....this happy lab conicle flask is from my cousin who is living in Melbourne.....can't bear to open it yet though I know it will be gone before long....